our partners
Thanks to our partners who made it happen
Integrated solutions provided by current operating model enables JRM to actively participate in defining these new capabilities, which in turn helps JRM develop better-targeted services to support new business needs.
A regional institution leading the market through providing the latest technological solutions with a professional team committed to quality and providing creative solutions.
a message from our founders
In a world where technology leads and affects each and every aspect of our lives, also in quite competitive markets where businesses try constantly to find unique and nontraditional solutions to keep up with the competition. We "JRM" as a part of this world have put on our shoulders the responsibility of standing for businesses and helping them achieve more success in their markets. That is where we got our slogan, "Think Different, Think Digital Transformation" as we in JRM always seek to encourage businesses to think differently, try finding unconventional solutions and provide them with the cutting edge technology and most advanced level of IT developments, so we can help them get better, thus guaranteeing a better country and a better world for all of us.
"This is JRM, That is what we stand for."
Reda Kamal Mourad El Sisy
Thanks to our partners who made it happen